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Maximizing our physiques with 30 minute workouts

I'm a practical garage gym bro, who happens to also be a certified personal trainer, strength & conditioning coach, and an uncertified writer. I promote simple, but effective practices to maximize strength, hypertrophy, and body composition.

On this site, I am specifically focusing on promoting the "30 Minute Physique" lifestyle, and will be sharing my journey of getting as jacked as possible via 30 minute workouts.

Check out my Gumroad page to join my email list and peruse my ebooks and programs for sale:

Home: Welcome

07/07/2024 WOD

07/07/2024 WOD Legs Ex 1: Bulgarian split squats-2x8-12 Ex 2: single leg RDL-2x8-10-15 Ex 3: *unilateral leg extensions-2x10-15 Ex 4:...

Garage Gym Bro WODs

I'm always trying to give the most simple, helpful, high value, low cost tips for anyone that stumbles upon my content. My goal is to...

Chalk & Steel Manual is LIVE

Chalk & Steel ebook link: This is a 12 week program where you'll be clapping chalk on your...

Incline DB Curl

I'm no Steve Reeves, Vince Gironda, Dave Draper, or Frank Zane. But I agree with them that incline DB curls are an elite bicep builder....

Physical Culture on the Road

One of my favorite ways to maintain my fitness habit and live that physical culture lifestyle is to pack up 1-3 kettlebells when going on...

Benen's Simple Nutrition Guide

I just published a free, simple nutrition guide, aptly named, "Benen's Simple Nutrition Guide." In this guide, I go over how to: • Find...

The Double Kettlebell Clean

This may be the most powerful stance. In the kettlebell world, the bells always start on the floor. As a result, many exercises require...

8 Week Fitness Case Study Join the case study and train with me for 8 weeks. Get...

Keep it Simple, Stupid

I firmly believe that simplicity is the key to consistency. And consistency is the key to both gains and long term health. The less...

Wise Advice of Old Time Lifters

A friend of mine on Twitter, who goes by the name, JHerbert13, is reading "Muscle, Smoke, & Mirrors" (a book I, along with others,...

Mindless Muscle 2.0 (Ebook Update)

Hey there! I just wanted to reach out and inform you that I've added 2 new program variations to the Mindless Muscle ebook. Check out the...

06/17/2024 Training Log

Warmup: single leg calf raise-2x10/10; KB pullover double crunch; KB swings-40kg x 15 20 minute AMRAP A1: see-saw military...

Ignore Mainstream Fitness Confusion

You don't need an all or nothing approach to see great health and body composition results. I know the mainstream fitness media and the...

Home: Blog2
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I'm a practical garage gym bro, who happens to also be a certified personal trainer, strength & conditioning coach, and an uncertified writer. I promote simple, but effective practices to maximize strength, hypertrophy, and body composition.

On this site, I am specifically focusing on promoting the "30 Minute Physique" lifestyle, and will be sharing my journey of getting as jacked as possible via 30 minute workouts.

Check out my Gumroad page to join my email list and peruse my ebooks and programs for sale:

Home: About Me
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