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03/04/2025 Training Log. Swinging PPL Day 3, Legs


Updated: 4 days ago

03/04/2025 Training Log. Swinging PPL

Day 3, Legs

Ex 1: dead stop alternating clean & front squats-3x5/5

Ex 2: alternating reverse lunges-8/8, 8/8, 6/6

Ex 3: offset calf raise-3x10/10

Ex 4: 1 hand kettlebell swings-2x10/10

Total Time = 31 minutes 

Nice backyard leg workout during a break between clients. Legs were on fire.

Do a few exercises that are effective for you. 

Maintain high quality reps.

Get it done then move on with the rest of your day.

I've begun a series on YouTube (shorts) where I share video summaries of my Swinging PPL workouts. I'm uploading each workout summary in video and audio format within a couple days of actually completing each workout. If you like video and you're interested in following along there, be sure to check out my YouTube channel here:

Eventually I'd like to share the uploaded video summaries here to the blog, as well, as I've done in the past. So that may be something I add in after the fact going forward. I'm just currently behind on the videos.

Thanks again and I hope you continue to enjoy the articles and follow along with my 30 minute workouts!

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