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05/02/2024 Training Log. PPL Day 19. Push


Push day today

Warmed up by training clients the previous 5 hours.

Ex 1: incline DB bench press-75x11,7,7

Ex 2: half kneeling single arm kettlebell military press (what a mouthful....and yes, that's what she said....I wish)-45x8/8, 7/7, 7/7, 7/7

Ex 3: single arm cable pushdowns-30x12/12, 10/10, 6/6; 25x6/6

Total time = 28 minutes, 39 seconds. Precisely.

5 more clients to go.

Thursdays are always busy.

I've got 9-10 clients from 7am until 6:30pm, with no gaps long enough to leave the gym for longer than it takes to get a pack of Greek yogurts from the grocery store across the street. Well, and, of course, the gap I had to lift today.

That means I train where I work. It's a fun change of pace/scenery from the garage at times.

When I get home tonight, and if all goes well, I'll hop in the sauna for 20 minutes.

Stay strong, mí amígos!

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