Man, today was a mess for me. I was just out of sorts.
It started with poor sleep and then an early change to the schedule with some clients and, in short, I ended up eating nothing but a protein shake and banana the first 12 hours of the day. But, I DID have some coffee in my cup to keep me alive and well.
I honestly wasn't sure how I was going to get through a leg session this afternoon, but I came home, got some Pedialyte, went out to the garage and just started doing Bulgarian split squats.
I did decide to keep things on the lighter side today though.
Sometimes you just gotta buck up and start lifting without giving yourself a chance to think.
I ended up having a fine leg session.
I'm now sitting on my patio (Paradise Patio) while eating some oatmeal with honey and whey protein along with a mandarin orange on the side.
In about an hour or so I'll walk 0.7 miles to one of my favorite restaurants for some fish tacos.
I guess it's a good thing I starved myself for most of the day. Heck, I might order 2 orders of fish tacos! Hashtag balance.
Here's today's training:
Ex 1: Bulgarian split squats-2x45x10/10, 12/12
Ex 2: single leg RDL-70x12/12, 10/10
Ex 3: sissy bench sissy squats-BW (bodyweight)x10,10
Ex 4: lying leg curls-80x15,10
Ex 5: KB calf raise-115x15,12
Total time = 34 minutes, 35 seconds
Happy weekend.