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06/17/2024 Training Log

Warmup: single leg calf raise-2x10/10; KB pullover double crunch; KB swings-40kg x 15

20 minute AMRAP

A1: see-saw military press-6,6,6,6,6 (30 total reps per side)

A2: pullups-5,5,5,5,5 (25 total reps)

A3: kettlebell swings-10,10,10,10,10 (50 total reps)

After the 20 minute AMRAP circuit, I rested about 2-3 minutes and did...

B1: incline DB curls-12,8,6

Total Time (excluding warmup) = 29 minutes

These big 3 strength circuits are super efficient.

To clarify, a big 3 strength circuit is when you select 3, compound exercises — a push, a pull, and a leg exercise — and rotate through these exercises for 20-30 minutes, resting as much or as little as you wish.

You can accumulate a lot of volume while getting a nice mix of strength, muscle, and conditioning done in a short amount of time.

I followed up the 20 minute circuit with 3 sets of bicep curls.

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