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07/24/2024 Workout of the Day

Today's training: upper body 

Warmup: 4 sets on the machine crunch before heading home 

A couple hours later I did the actual session in my garage

Ex 1: incline DB bench press-2x12

Ex 2: single arm rows-3x12/12

Ex 3: DB lateral raise-2x12

Ex 4: incline DB curls-2x12

Ex 5: cable pushdowns-15,12

Total Time = 35 minutes 

This was the first time I've done a bench press variation in 3 months without pain. I kept the weight 25 pounds lighter (per arm) than what I had been using before the shoulder injury. We'll see how the shoulder feels tomorrow. I'm hoping for good things. I've missed my incline dumbbell bench presses.

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