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09/28/2024 Training Log

09/28/2024 Training Log

Late night Push session during halftime of the Alabama – Georgia game.

Warmup: hang from pullup bar for 30 seconds

Ex 1: single arm kettlebell military press-2x5/5

Ex 2: pushup EMOM (every minute on the minute)-10 x 10,10,10,10,10,10,10,8,8,6 = 92 reps in 10 minutes

Ex 3: cable lateral raise-2x10/10

Ex 4: cable overhead extensions-15,10 (had to cheat on the last few reps of the 2nd set)

Total Time = 28 minutes

Productive day today.

I woke up and wrote a 21 page Ebook and uploaded it to my Gumroad products page (check it out here:

I got some reading of my current book done. For those that care, I finished that Elvis Cole & Joe Pike book yesterday morning before work and am now reading John Steinbeck's "The Moon is Down."

I mowed the yard, cleaned the house, pulled the weeds, and did all the other typical home and lawn care that we do during these final weeks of summer.

I came inside just in time for the kickoff of the Alabama - Georgia game.

I had a great, quick lift during intermission.'s time to cook up some Filet Mignón.

Hope everyone is having a super splendid Saturday.

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