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30 Minute Physique Daily Workouts

I'm always trying to give the most simple, helpful, high value, low cost tips for anyone that stumbles upon my content.

My goal is to promote simple, yet effective exercise habits and show people that you don't need to spend hours in the gym to get results.

My blog is called "30 Minute Physique" because I believe in using 30 minute workouts to build your best physique. This isn't just some marketing schtick. I – personally – train around 30 minutes 3-6 days per week and have done so for the better part of the last 6-7 years. I've been training for about 15 years, but I've achieved my best results in the last 6-7 years while prioritizing 30 minute, muscle building workouts.

This change came as a result of years of frustration, injury, and wondering how I could sustain the way I used to train. Hint: I couldn't because it was unsustainable, and – worse – unproductive.

I'm a believer in daily exercise. However, daily exercise does NOT mean we do hardcore, 30ish minute training every day (if you can consider 30 minutes hardcore.... although, I might add that 2 old school bodybuilders that enjoy a lot of popularity nowadays – even though they both passed away 20-25 years ago – Vince Gironda & Mike Mentzer – both advocated "brief" workouts. They didn't agree on much else, but people conveniently ignore both of their warnings to keep workouts brief, which they defined as under 40 minutes).

While I may encourage lifting weights with moderate to high intensity anywhere from 3-6 days per week for 30 minutes per session, I DO believe you need to take AT LEAST 1-2 days of rest per week from this more intense style of training.

But, that doesn't mean we can't do any exercise on the other day/days of the week.

Active recovery is a key part of my philosophy. So, on these "rest" days, I still encourage some simple exercise. This may be something like steady state cardio, high intensity cardio, or, more than likely in my case it's something like 10-15 minutes of low rep kettlebell ballistics, or a handful of pushups or Hindu squats, or swinging the Indian clubs, doing a simple & light workout, or even just taking a 30 minute walk.

I do SOMETHING every single day (unless I'm horribly sick). But not every day is challenging. And usually these active rest day activities are very brief – like, 5-10 minutes or less.

In fact, one thing I've found with my simplified body building style of training is that keeping volume per session low, training with a moderate to high intensity, and lifting with a moderate to high frequency allows me to gain while keeping my sessions short and my recovery high. 

And on days when I'm not doing a proper lifting session, I do these quick easy workouts to get my daily movement. They're not challenging workouts.

Anyway, I have the gift of gab and I'm currently gabbing too much.

I would like to start sharing – for free – a "30 Minute Physique Daily WOD" (workout of the day).

The WODs will be the exact same workout that I did/plan to do on the day I share them. Currently I'm doing my "PPL 365" program – which is how I train most weeks these days (it fits my goals and keeps me motivated to train without getting bogged down with long workouts). Most days you'll see whatever Pull, Push, or Leg workout I did that day. But other days, you'll see that I'm just going for a walk, hopping in the sauna, riding the spin bike, or swinging kettlebells and clubs.

Whatever I do, I'll try to share it with you all.

This isn't for me to show off. Rather, it's the most simple way I can think of to motivate and provide you actionable advice – by giving you a "do this today" solution every single day. I will build a community forum on my blog ( for anyone that wants to join in and share what they did, or even just send a "WOD ✅" in the group to let everyone know they did the day's workout.

Sometimes being a part of a group can motivate others in the group to get up and get that check mark for the day, even if they don't feel like doing it.

And if I can help you get more fit with less confusion or resistance, I'll be elated. I've already been sharing most of my workouts on Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter for a year or so now, but this daily WOD series allows me to share these workouts in a more helpful manner...or at least I think.

Again, for now, all this would be shared for FREE and even the community forum will be free. That may change in the future if interest gets high or if we start getting trolls in the group. 

I just want to help and maybe acquire some more gym bros (regardless of your gender, if you train with me, you're my gym bro) along the way.

If you're doing one of my or anyone else's programs – great. Keep doing that. I'm not trying to convert you to doing exactly what I do every day. Do what works for you. If you've found that already, don't let me deter your progress.

In some cases, what I do on a given day may not be appropriate for everyone else. But, you can always do something similar. 

My WODs will be there just to provide you some direction and a community if/when you want it.

Fitness is a daily habit for me. It's my lifestyle. In a time when everyone is trying to be a guru and share contrarian secret knowledge, I want to simplify fitness and help you adopt a fit lifestyle. I'd like to share my lifestyle with you.

I train people 40 hours per week in-person and I've done that for nearly a decade now. I also train people online. I've written a couple handfuls of ebooks/manuals and probably around 1,000 long form articles in the past 5 years. If you seek specific coaching from me, I'm always open to discussing that. 

But what I really want is to impact people on a real, personal level. I want to train ALONGSIDE you, rather than just instructing you. I do enough instructing in my day to day life. In an era where intelligence is artificial, I want to share real life, sustainable fitness and create actual bonds with people.

I'll share these workouts via YouTube, Twitter/X, and my blog ( Meanwhile, I'll work on creating the "30 Minute Physique Workout of the Day Forum." I'll keep you posted on that progress.

Thanks for reading.

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