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Alcohol and Body Composition

The easiest way to lose a lot of weight is to stop drinking alcohol.

The hardest way to lose a lot of weight is by refusing to quit drinking alcohol.

Alcohol changes the body & mind's chemistry and it literally works against your metabolism, your ability to absorb nutrients, and your ability to use carbohydrates, amongst other things.

This gets even worse once you reach your upper 20s and beyond.

But alcohol culture is strong and it's easy to be addicted to it without thinking you are. Therefore, people will aggressively fight me on this front, despite the science pointing to the physique and health detriments of drinking alcohol.

And they'll continue gaining weight.

So ask yourself: what do you really want? What would make you feel better?

Do you want that weight loss and body composition goal you've been chasing?

Or would you rather sacrifice it for booze and slowly allow it to deteriorate your mind, body, performance, and relationships?

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