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An Active Rest Day GPP Session

Rest day from my strength & hypertrophy training, but if you have followed me for any time you'll know that I like to do at least a little something every day.

This is an example of a simple, light, "tonic" general physical preparation workout that's perfect for rest days.

Here's the workout:

Jump rope x 25

Indian club hearts x 20

Kettlebell snatch x 8/8

I did 6 rounds, took my time between sets, and the entire session took 27 minutes. You don't want to be out of breath or use weights and/or an intensity that leaves you anywhere muscular failure or cardiovascular failure. 

A good measure to ensure you're at the right intensity for "active rest day training" is being able to nasal breathe between rounds or maintain a conversation between rounds.

I like these 3 exercises, done with a moderate to low intensity, and finding that zen-like flow state for 10-30 minutes. Today I went a little longer than I usually would because I wanted to get a bit more practice with my snatch technique – an exercise I don't train often. (It shows in my not-so-crisp execution. 20kg is a light weight for me, but my form is a bit sloppy. As always, it'll get better with practice if I commit to practicing it).

I followed this 27 minutes of easy movement with 20 minutes in the sauna.

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