Garage Gym Chronicles: 12/18/2024 Training Log. Legs
30 minute leg session on the back patio with nothing but 2x24kg (53lb) kettlebells.
It was a delightful session as the sun was setting. Truly an aesthetic scene.
My legs were still quite sore from Monday's leg session (48 hours earlier), but, I'm heading out of town for a little bit and while I plan on exercising in some way, shape, or form most days on the road – as I usually do – I wanted to get a proper leg session with my own equipment before I go about training like a rambling gypsy for a week or so.
Despite being sore and despite the fact that I usually would have taken today as a light, active rest session, I had a really good, simple leg workout.
Ex 1: double kettlebell front squat-6,8
Ex 2: B stance RDL-12/12, 12/12
Ex 3: reverse lunges-6/6, 6/6
Ex 4: kettlebell half snatch-8/8, 8/8
Ex 5: calf raise (from flat ground, accentuating the contraction and squeeze at the top of each rep. Technically these would be half reps I guess. Top half at that)-20,15
Total time = 30 minutes
Here's a 60 second YouTube video rundown on the session, for those visually and audibly inclined:
