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Don't Give up Just because You're Not Good Yet


Garage Gym Chronicles: 12/15/2024 Training Log. Active Rest Day Movement

16 minutes dead stop kettlebell swing EMOM 

Even minutes: left hand swings x 5 reps

Odd minutes: right hand swings x 5 reps

During rest periods I did some external rotation Indian club swings.

Followed up the quick session with 20 minutes in the sauna.

I made a follow-along video of the workout and posted to YouTube.

I'm not great at these follow along videos. I'm not great at YouTube or any video content to be honest. But I'm posting anyway because there's some good information discussed throughout the video and the active rest day, "strength cardio" workout, itself, is good and may be helpful for others.

Everyone stinks at things they're new at. I've been writing and creating blog/email content for years now. Therefore, I think I'm pretty good at it. But early on, I wrote some horrible articles and ebooks. But I posted anyway.

Now it's like that with videos. I'm getting better at the 60 second YouTube shorts + voiceovers because I've been posting and practicing them for several months now. But those voiceover videos are still far from great. They'll get better as I continue creating and posting, though.

I'm new to the long form YouTube stuff, and quite honesty, it feels weird to do. But, there's potential for it to be a great format for people to get a lot of value from. So I'm shamelessly posting even though I feel like it's awkward and my dogs are probably distracting and I'm oxygen depleted just from the sets throughout the workout.

When I first started lifting weights, I didn't know what I was doing, I felt awkward, uncomfortable, even embarrassed, and definitely out of place. Now, I'm entering my 10th year of working with people, face to face, as a personal trainer. I'm officially pretty good at this working out, lifting weights, and fitness thing.

The point is this: show up, regardless. It's always going to be bad in the beginning. Get the reps, accumulate practices, and post the content, lift the weights, do the job – whatever it is.

Nobody can expect to be good at something right away.  Most people never give themselves the chance to become good because they're too afraid of being judged or failing.

You're going to be judged, regardless of whether you do nothing or everything. Who cares? 

Whenever you begin something new, you're going to fail, you're going to have awkward growing pains. Who cares?

You'll never get past that phase if you don't continue to post, publish, or show up. 

If you never try you'll never succeed.

But, if you try, and accept the struggles and imperfections along the way, 2, 5, or 10 years down the road, you'll be pretty good – or even great – at the activity.

So, I'm posting the video because that's what I've always done in my life. I feel like I have value and a good message to deliver, so I deliver it. I know I'll get better at my delivery over time. But just like swinging a kettlebell, doing pullups, or mastering public speaking, you'll never get better at it if you don't practice.

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