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Garage Gym Chronicles: 02/16/2025 Workout of the Day


Garage Gym Chronicles: 02/16/2025 Workout of the Day

Warm up: single leg glute bridges-2x5/5; half getups-2x5/5

Ex 1: pullups-2x5-10

Ex 2: single arm kettlebell military press-2x6-12

Ex 3: Bulgarian split squats-2x6-12

Ex 4: 1 hand kettlebell swings-6x10 (3 sets each hand)

Ex 5: concentration curl-2x8-15

Ex 6: dumbbell skull crushers-2x10-15

Ex 7: dumbbell supinated wrist curls + pronated wrist curls-1x15-25 of each 

I took it easy on everything today. I've had minimal sleep the last 2 nights and 20 hours of airports and airplanes yesterday tried doing a number on me, but it felt good to move and get back in the rhythm of things before a 12 hour day of training clients tomorrow.

Have fun.

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