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Garage Gym Chronicles: 02/18/2025 Workout of the Day


Garage Gym Chronicles: 02/18/2025 Workout of the Day

Hinge + Push

Warm up: offset calf raise-1x15/15; leg raise-1x15; single leg glute bridge-1x5/5

Ex 1: 1 hand kettlebell swing-3x10/10

Ex 2: incline dumbbell bench press-3x6-12

Ex 3: dumbbell lateral raise-3x10-20

Ex 4: cable overhead extensions-3x10-20

Ex 5: leg curls-3x10-20

Total Time = about 35 minutes

I did Swiss ball curls for my leg curls variation today. This is a sneaky good posterior chain exercise. I first started using Swiss ball leg curls with clients because the hamstring curl machine was being used, or because it was easier to alternate with another free weight exercise while taking up less space and staying out of other people's way during busy gym times. 

But what I discovered is that the Swiss ball leg curl is actually an extremely good exercise and most of my clients prefer Swiss ball leg curls and slider leg curls over machine leg curls. They find it more fun (an underrated quality when exercising) and they feel like they get a more intense hamstring "cramp" than the machine counterpart. They also like the fact that Swiss ball leg curls (and slider leg curls) give them a nice a glute pump.

Is it as beneficial as seated or lying leg curls machines for hypertrophy? Probably not. At least not when speaking about hamstring hypertrophy – specifically.

Yet it has so many other great benefits and there are plenty of options for regressions and progressions to make Swiss ball leg curls appropriate for any level.

I will say that one benefit of Swiss ball leg curls is the fact that the hips, glutes, and abs all get stimulated to a great degree alongside the hamstrings – something you don't experience during machine hamstring curls, which only stimulate the hamstrings – but stimulate hamstrings to a very high degree.

People can debate all day whether lack of stability in training is good or bad, but the fact of the matter is that there are many ways to train the muscles, and the way you enjoy will probably be the most productive way for you to train.

Machine leg curls make it easier to progressively overload due to being stable and having simple, straight forward ability to increase resistance (just increase the weight on the machine).

Meanwhile, Swiss ball leg curls and slider leg curls train more muscles and require less space, no machines, and are more appropriate for total posterior chain training. If you think training in unstable positions are beneficial, these would be better options.

As for me, I do a combination of machine leg curls, Swiss ball leg curls, and slider leg curls.

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