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Garage Gym Chronicles: 11/03/2024 Training Log. Legs


Garage Gym Chronicles: 11/03/2024 Training Log. Legs

Warmups: single leg glute bridges; weighted frog crunches-15, 10

Ex 1: Bulgarian split squats-2x12/12

Ex 2: single leg RDL-12/12, 8/8

Ex 3: leg curls-15,12

Ex 4: leg extensions-15,15

Ex 5: offset kettlebell calf raises-15/15

Total Time = 38 minutes

Frog crunches are an old Vince Gironda exercise. It's an excellent ab exercise – particularly for those that either don't have a lot of equipment or don't care to spend a lot of time setting up for some fancier ab exercise. 

I've found frog crunches to be my favorite abdominal flexion exercise for many years now – ever since I first got into reading the teachings, programs, and principles of Vince Gironda. It requires zero equipment... can continue to overload the exercise and get more benefits from frog crunches – long term – by adding weight to the exercise. The easiest way to do this is by holding a weight plate behind your head (where you'd usually lock your hands). You could hold a weight over your chest, but placing the weight behind the head results in a longer lever, which, in simple terms means it makes the weight feel heavier, making the exercise more challenging.

I'll have to share a quick video of frog crunches and frog crunch progressions some time. As you've probably noticed, I like to do 1-2 sets of an ab exercise during my warmup before I start my lifting sessions. 

I had a decent little leg session tonight. My calves were still super sore from last leg session (4 days ago) so I only did one set per side of the offset calf raises.

It will be interesting doing a sort of Bro Split for the first time in awhile and only training legs once per week. I'm curious to see how this goes – how my body responds to a semi-bro split and how much I enjoy – or don't enjoy – using a 5 day Bro-ish Split for the first time in around a decade. I'm looking to stick with this plan for at least the next 2 months. If it goes most excellently (which is always the hope), I'll continue longer.

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