Garage Gym Chronicles: 12/04/2024 Training Log. Legs
It was sunny and crisp this afternoon. Unfortunately, I stepped outside to lift as the sun was going down, a fog was rolling in, and the air was a crisp 34 degrees and dropping.
But, it felt okay and after a couple sets of Bulgarian split squats and staggered swings, the cold was no longer an issue.
I like to get these outdoor sessions in while I can, especially when I only have a few weights/equipment to lug out of the garage.
Here's how the workout went down:
Part 1 (25 minute AMRAP)
A1: Bulgarian split squats-4x6/6
A2: staggered stance 1 hand kettlebell swings-4x12/12
Part 2 (circuit)
B1: kettlebell snatch-5/5, 6/6
B2: tactical clean & front squat-8/8, 8/8
B3: offset calf raise-20/20, 15/15
Total time was 45 minutes.
As I've mentioned elsewhere, tactical cleans are a new skill I began working on today. They're fun, efficient, but technically challenging. I'll work on cleaning (he-he, punny) these up over the next few weeks.
Honestly, I was tired, under slept, and just generally did NOT feel like training today. But I did. And every time I don't want to train, but it's a training day, I train and I always feel great as a result.
How you feel is, very often, a lie.
Do the stuff that will bring you closer to the goals and turn you into the person your dogs want you to be. You'll never regret it.
As always, training outside is extra anabolic and builds extra character.
Happy hoisting, my friends.