Garage Gym Chronicles: 12/13/2024 Training Log. Push + Hinge
Block 1
A1: incline dumbbell bench press-2x12
A2: single leg RDL-2x12/12
Block 2
B1: dumbbell lateral raise-17,15
B2: kettlebell half snatch-2x7/7
B3: cable overhead extensions-17,16
Total time = under 30 minutes
It's time to increase the weight on incline dumbbell bench press.
I don't increase weight on single leg RDLs until I'm getting 15 reps. That's just a personal preference I have on my hinges. It keeps the stimulus on the hamstrings and glutes without shifting unnecessary stress to my inner hips (where most of my labrum tears are) and lower back.
I need to turn this session into 3 blocks.
Block 2 will be JUST half snatches.
Doing a circuit of lateral raises and tricep isolation exercises with half snatches is risky and interferes with my half snatch performance because my shoulders and triceps are so fatigued and stabilizing overhead is – let's just say – interesting.
On the lateral raises, I'm trying to keep my hands several inches away from my torso at the bottom. This keeps tension on the side delts and makes dumbbell lateral raises sinfully spicy. It's amazing the difference a few inches makes...