On the road again training log
Upper Body
Ex 1: pullups-9,8
Ex 2: banded pushups-20,12 - dropped band and burned out to failure with regular pushups (only got 6 extra)
Ex 3: lateral raise-15x17,15
Ex 4: standing dumbbell curls-45x8,7
Ex 5: band overhead extentions-30,13,10 (cluster set)
Total Time = 26 minutes
Followed up training soaking up the sun on a patio – my favorite post-lift pastime.
I spent the day at my brother's house in North Carolina. He and his wife are also about that garage gym life. They've got a fine establishment in that garage. It was great to get a good, quick lift in while there.
Encourage your family members to build at least a minimalist home gym. It makes your life easier when traveling, allows people to train despite how busy or chaotic life may get, and it establishes a culture of health and exercise for any friends, family members, or kids that may end up around the house.
Basically, what I'm saying is home gyms build strong families.
Have a great weekend.
