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I'm an Impatient, Time-Strapped Lifter


With each passing year during my lifting career, I find myself gravitating more and more towards exercises and equipment that require less set up time, less equipment, and greater spatial economy.

I just have no patience to waste time and energy setting up for exercises and doing a bunch (more than 2) warm-up sets these days.

It's one of – but certainly not the only – reasons that kettlebells, dumbbells, and bodyweight exercises have dominated my training the past 6 years or so.

I still get down with barbell-specific training for a few months here and there (usually in the colder months for some reason). But I get so annoyed/burned out dealing with setting up my power rack and loading weights on and off the bar nowadays.

Essentially, my training has become incredibly time & energy efficient because I'm lazy and impatient.

Talk about irony.

There is more to the story, of course. But, I'll save that for another time.

I'll just say that traumatic injury, time management, stimulus to fatigue ratio, bang for my buck for my specific goals, enjoyability, and recovery all play a role.

Have a fun, productive, and safe weekend.

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