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Ignore your Feelings. Train Regardless

Given the option, all of us would feel better doing something else, besides training, in the moment.

You'll never feel perfect.

You'll never be full of energy to train.

You'll never feel 100% focused to get a great workout.

There's always going to be something else that you'd rather be doing, other than training. 

You'll always be surrounded by temptation to skip your session.

You'll always be filled with doubt about whether you're in the right mood to train.

You'll always be able to find an excuse NOT to train. 

But I encourage you, desperately, to do it anyway.

Train no matter what.

Ignore your feelings and your inner voice. 

Get in that gym, or basement, garage, driveway, or courage corner and lift weights 3 days per week (or more). 

Get outside or on the treadmill and take that daily 30 minute walk. 

Hop on that spin bike or treadmill and ride or walk while watching your TV shows if you must. Most gyms have cardio equipment with all the streaming services built in them nowadays. If it's better for you, get to the gym, put on your head phones, and watch your shows for an hour or so while doing some light cardio. 

Don't negotiate with yourself or anyone else that may be discouraging your discipline.

Getting your sessions completed each week is non-negotiable.

You cannot afford to take your fitness lightly if you care about your physical and mental health. Everyone should care about these things, if not for pride, alone. But also, because unhealthy people are a burden to everyone else around them. I realize that makes me sound like a total dickhead, but it's true. It's selfish to not take care of yourself, because that means someone else has to take care of you...sooner or later.

I know you don't feel like doing it. I've been working out, religiously, for my entire adult life (18-33 at the time of this writing). Most days, I don't FEEL like doing it. However, habits are formed as a result of doing it regularly. Integrity is doing the right thing, even if nobody is watching or even if nobody cares. I train anyway. 

Sometimes I just punch the clock and go through the motions, but I still show up and do it. That's what matters. Sometimes it's best to lower the intensity for a period of time if it's what's going to allow you to further instill the habit of training and maintain consistency.

The only weeks I ever train less than 3 days per week are if I'm very sick. And even then I try to get up and go for a walk, sit outside, or hop in the sauna. 

But most of the time, most of us are not sick.

Sure, we're always tired and there's always plenty of resistance to not actively work towards our fitness goals.

Who cares?

Do it anyway.

The longer you wait to instill fitness as a non-negotiable habit, the harder it will be to reap the benefits of a fit mind and body. And the more difficult it will be to reach your goals.

Your health is 100% your responsibility. Nobody and nothing can do it for you. So suck it up, buttercup. Embrace the suck, and train regardless.

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