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Incline DB Curl


I'm no Steve Reeves, Vince Gironda, Dave Draper, or Frank Zane. But I agree with them that incline DB curls are an elite bicep builder. Steve Reeves seemed to do them almost exclusively at times.

My biceps are nowhere near being categorized as mountainous, but incline dumbbell curls have had BY FAR the biggest impact on my bicep development over the last 2 years. The exercise has represented around 85% of all my bicep training over these previous 2 years, meaning I rarely do any other exercises.

With that said, I've been plateaued for a bit (the calorie deficit likely isn't helping, but that's besides the fact) so I'm thinking of adding in a new movement or 2, such as barbell or EZ bar curls, where I can overload the biceps with more total weight and hopefully trigger new growth/strength stimulus as a supplemental exercise to my beloved incline curls.

But, if you're struggling to grow your pipes, and you're currently NOT prioritizing incline dumbbell curls (or lengthened bias cable curls), please add them to your routine immediately. 

After all, only YOU can prevent frail bicep syndrome.

Take care.

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