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It's a Great Day to Lift Weights (11/19/2024 Training Log)


I had a stunning 3 hour break today between clients.

It wasn't stunning because I had 3 hours, but rather due to what I was able to do during those 3 hours after feeling like crud the last 4-5 days.

I'm still sick, but I'm well enough to be feeling antsy to make up for the lack of movement the last several days. 

I came home from my morning clients, feeling a little lethargic – as one does when one is sick – but went inside, pet my dogs, grabbed some electrolytes and headed out to the garage with them for a pull session.

It's a beautiful, brisk November morning. While there's no snow here in the valley, there is snow on the second row of eastern foothills that I can see from my backyard. While I despise super cold weather (it's one reason I chose to live in the south for the first 12+ years of my adult life), I love these clear, brisk days where the sky is piercing blue and the mountains have a little white on them. Let the snow stay up there for me to view. I don't care to deal with it down here, though.

I opened the back door that allows access from the garage to the backyard so my German shorthaired pointers could entertain themselves running laps outside between sets of coming in and checking on me while I lifted. While I rested between sets I walked outside and embraced the sun, tossed the Frisbee, then came back into the garage for my next set.

I went a little lighter on the session since I'm still under the weather, but it felt great to move and get a back, bicep, and forearm pump, nonetheless. 

Here's how the workout went today:

Pull session

Warmup: hanging leg raises-2x12

Ex 1: pullups-3x6

Ex 2: single arm dumbbell rows-2x10/10

Ex 3: incline dumbbell curls-10,8

Ex 4: incline hammer curls-12,9

Total Time = 27 minutes

After lifting, I made some oatmeal with oats, honey, peanut butter, and whey protein. I took it out on the back patio and enjoyed it while my dogs continued to enjoy running around in the leaves. 

I took note of how many more leaves have fallen since I raked last week. It's a lot of leaves. It appears I'll be spending several hours raking again this weekend. I wish my dogs could help a brother out. Maybe consider earning their keep. Wishful thinking, I know.

After eating my post workout meal, I came back into the garage, hopped in the sauna for 20 minutes.

Then it was time for a quick shower and reading until it's time to head back to train my afternoon clients. Which is where I'm at right about now.

Feeling grateful today. God is good.

If you lift today (please do), be thankful and give it your all.

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