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Long Training Sessions DON'T Equal Improved Training Outcomes

Quit associating time spent in the gym per session with results.

Gaining muscle depends on 3 factors:

1. Consistency 

2. Progressive overload and effort

3. Specificity 

Consistency: are you coming to the gym and training hard on a regular basis for years?

Progressive overload and effort: are you regularly increasing the difficulty of your workouts and training close to failure? Progressive overload does NOT exclusively mean adding weight to your exercises. Adding reps, adding sets, maintaining rep performance while decreasing intra-set rest periods, improving the quality of contractions and rep execution are ALL ways of progressively overloading.

When it comes to progressive overload, we're really just looking at effort. If you're consistently striving for more and training hard, you will progressively overload by increasing weight, reps, density, quality, etc.

Specificity: are you training specifically for muscle growth? Strength? Endurance? No gains?

If your goal is hypertrophy, you need to train with that intention. That means choosing exercises that allow you to maximize tension on the target muscle and actually training target muscles directly – not just doing barbell clean & jerks or squats and expecting everything to grow.

Time spent in the gym during a session is NOT a factor.

Just work hard, go close the failure and get out.

30 minutes can be plenty of time if you manage your effort, volume, and rest periods appropriately.

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