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Never Neglect STRENGTH Training


Explosive, ballistic type training is good. But doing explosive exercises without also doing exerciseses that promote strength is counterproductive.

Power is the combination of strength AND speed.

Without strength, you can't be powerful, nor can you increase your power output potential.

For example, don't replace trap bar deadlifts with trap bar jump squats. Do both.

The deadlifts (whatever variation) will build strength and size.

The squat jumps and power cleans will help you learn to display strength quickly.

In the kettlebell (and dumbbell) world, this means don't neglect your grinds – squats, Romanian deadlifts, lunges/split squats, rows, and press patterns – for ballistics and ballistic endurance. 

Do your squats, Romanian deadlifts, AND your swings, snatches, and cleans. 

Feel free to do jerks and push presses, but make sure you're still training military presses, pushups, and bench press variations. 

I think ballistic rows are totally overrated to begin with (it's an opinion). If you want a good ballistic pull, just do snatches or cleans. Those check the box of ballistic hinge + pull better than ballistic rows. But combine these exercises with the strength builders – rows and pullups.

Too often I'll see programs (usually designed for young athletes) that are loaded with jump squats, power cleans, lateral bounds, etc. Nothing wrong with this. It's good.

But, it becomes silly when basic strength exercises – like variations of squats, deadlifts, lunges, presses, bench press, and pullups/rows – are neglected.

Strength training = great.

Ballistic training without strength training = kind of silly.

Ballistic training + strength training = miraculous.

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