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New 8 Week Program and a Question for YOU ALL

I'm looking to roll out an 8 week online program in October and I'm gauging interest. 

The way I do these programs is you sign up with a 1 time payment and receive 8 weeks of training AND access to direct message me through my app (where which the program is also delivered). There is also a group forum for the specific program that you're welcome to participate in if you'd like, but there's definitely no pressure on you to send any messages if you don't want to do so. 

If people prefer it, I could also simplify this, avoid the app, and create a specific group and send the program and all communications about the program through email.

What's your preference? App? Or email?

This program will consist of 3 strength and hypertrophy training workouts (that could be done for 3-6 total sessions per week. 3 being the minimum and 6 being the maximum. Everything and anything between 3-6 days is fine. Frequency will depend on your individual ability to recover and the time you have available to train).

These sessions are designed to take right around 30-40 minutes. If you decrease rest times you will easily be able to complete each session within 20-30 minutes, though.

Usually I rest around 3 minutes between sets, and that's where I get the 30-40 minute marker from. But, if you need to abbreviate the sessions further, just rest 1-2 minutes and you can be done in 20-30 minutes (I'll often do this during busy days or when traveling).

These sessions can be completed with kettlebells, dumbbells, machines, or barbells. I'll lay out a general template that I'll be running, but you can easily substitute exercise variations and equipment based on your own preferences.

I also will be including some daily minimum activity goals. You'll have to buy the plan to see what those are, but they're VERY doable. The key is to do these simple activities daily to reap major benefits from seemingly small tasks. 

Let me know if you're interested!

Also, let me know if you would prefer an emailed program/communications or app based. Whatever majority declares will determine how I proceed.


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