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Obsessed with the Gym, But Lacking Results?

People become obsessed with spending lots of time in the gym.

But, they're missing the point.

Spending lots of time in the gym means nothing, especially if you're not productively stimulating muscle growth and allowing for substantial recovery – which happens outside the gym.

Become obsessed with getting results in the gym, without wasting time on junk volume, long conversations at the smoothie bar before, during, AND after workouts.

Get focused. Maximize the execution of a handful of exercises that work well for stimulating the muscles you're training that day (don't obsess about doing exercises from someone else's "must do this exercise" list. Do the exercises that work for YOU). 

And then, leave and move on with you're day.

This is not something we do for a period of our lives. Real results come to those that train consistently ALL of their lives.

Intensity and consistency are both extremely important if you want gains.

There's an old adage, which seems logical, that you can either train hard in a session or you can train for a long time in a session. 

The analogy that goes along with this is the sprinter versus the marathon runner.

It's not a perfect analogy, but there is some correlation there.

Remember – along with intensity and consistency – adherence ALSO plays a massive role in our physique progress.

You will not be able to adhere to a fitness lifestyle, for a lifetime, that is hyper time consuming and energy draining.

Maybe it works for you now, but, eventually you'll have more responsibilities and other things to consider. I've seen MANY people obsess over fitness and drink the mainstream, cookie cutter fitness cool-aid for 3-5 years, than fall off the map completely as soon as they got a real job, bought a house, suffered their first injury, or experienced a major family or relationship change.

Guess what? The way they were training, eating, and living was not sustainable with their new life, and as a result, they turned away from fitness, believing it was an all or nothing pursuit, and they lost their gains along with their health.

There's a better way.

Train smart, train hard, train often, and you will eventually learn to get more out of less. 

Less time in the gym, less volume, fewer exercises, and less distraction.

Streamline your fitness to maximize your results without needing to dedicate maximum time.

This is what the 30 Minute Physique lifestyle is all about

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