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Reminder: Everyone Has the Responsibility to be Fit!

Health and fitness is NOT just a hobby.

It's a responsibility.

When you become an adult, daily – even light – exercise must become as habitual as brushing your teeth. 

I realize I'm biased. I work in the fitness field both in real life and in virtual (online) life. 

But I firmly believe that training is more than a hobby.

If you're not regularly exercising, you're doing a disservice to yourself and everyone around you.

There're 3 big pillars  of health:

1. Physical

2. Emotional/mental

3. Spiritual 

If any one of those pillars is not actively being worked on, the other 2 pillars begin to crumble.

Our lifestyles, habits, like sitting in front of screens and being generally lazy – there's no sugar coating it – are leading to many more people dealing with issues that are easily combatted with daily exercise at the forefront. There's real evidence about this. 

But everyone wants the short cut.

Everyone wants the easy way out.

Nobody wants to take action and change their habits. 

But understand, your lifestyle affects those around you, as well.

So suck it up, start training today. 

Lift weights for 15-30 minute 3 days per week.

On other days, go for a 30-45 minute walk.

That's ridiculously easy! Everyone can do it.

If you lift weights just 15-30 minutes 3 times per week, and walk for 30 minutes 4 times per week for an entire year, you will be a totally different (better) version of yourself a year from now. You will not only look better, be stronger, and more healthy. You'll also FEEL better and have a more positive outlook. You'll be better at every area of life. You'll become a better employee, you'll have more drive, you'll be a better friend, spouse, parent – everything will be better.

Wishing accomplishes nothing. Take action today.

If you're not sure where to start, download one of my free ebooks below.

12 Months of 30 Minute PPL Programs:

Fit Minimalist

You got this.

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