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Simple Program for the Middle Aged Novice

Do this program for 4-8 weeks. Focus on making the most out of these corrective exercises, then move on to a program targeted towards more specific goals.

I've got plenty of programs in my ebooks, email list, and eventually I'll share most of them on the blog that are ideal for anyone looking to improve body composition and strength, so long as their body is in a healthy place to handle the exercises and intensity.

Do 2-3 sets of each of the following exercises.

5-10 reps per set.

Add weight when 3 sets can be done for 10 reps.

Ex 1: Bird dogs (hold 10 seconds each side)

Ex 2: Glute bridges with band around knees (hold for 5 seconds each rep)

Ex 3: glute bridge with foam roller between knees (hold for 5 seconds each rep)

Ex 4: band pull aparts (hold for 2 seconds each rep)

Ex 5: half kneeling overhead press

Ex 6: deadlift

Ex 7: goblet squat

Ex 8: plank or Farmers carry (farmers carry is holding a kettlebell in each hand and walking with them for 30-60 seconds)

This workout is basically my assessment routine with new clients or potential clients (all members at the gym get a free consultation/assessment with me).

Doing this as a workout reminds me of Dan John's quote that, "the warmup IS the workout."

In this case, that is very much the case.

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