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Train for Gains, Not for Fatigue


Don't train simply to get tired.

Train to get stronger and bigger.

You don't need to feel exhausted after sessions.

Lifting weights is about triggering muscle growth and body composition changes.

It's not a slugfest to make yourself as tired as possible.

Train with high quality.

Train with a purpose.

Force your body to adapt and grow but allow yourself time and energy to recover.

The body won't adapt or grow from being repeatedly beaten to a pulp.

It's similar to running. You won't become better at running if you go outside and run as fast as you can for as long as you can each time you run. You'll burn yourself out and the body will never actually adapt and allow you to become a stronger, more efficient runner.

Do enough but avoid doing *too* much.

When you train, train hard. But always leave yourself a little energy in the tank for the rest of your day.

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