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Train Outside!

This time of year it's sunny, warm, and, in a word – pleasant.

The great outdoors are inviting.

Yet, we must stay fit. Better yet, we must become more fit so we look offensively attractive. More importantly, we want to feel attractive in our own skin while enjoying the warmer weather.

There's no way around it. We must train.

But, many of us work indoors and by the time we get off work we only have a few hours of sunlight left before we must shut down and go to sleep. It's a bummer.

We are forced to sacrifice time outside, in the sun – which is good for us, by the way, for extra time spent inside, forging our bodies into twisted steel – which is also good for the way.

But what if we could have both at the same time?

This is probably the biggest perk of having your own home gym equipment and your own knowledge of how to effectively train with your own body and minimal equipment. It gives you the ability to lift weights or resistance train outside in the glorious weather.

If you've never lifted weights outside, you're missing out. It's a primitive, anabolic sensation. It feels correct. It's wholesome.

It's motivating to train when your training is also where you want to be – outside.

Many people who struggle to train consistently due to lack of enjoyment training, find training outside to be the secret to making their exercise fun.

What if you have no equipment and you don't like calisthenics/bodyweight exercises?

I understand. In that case, train at a gym that has big windows and lots of natural light. Some gyms in some cities even have sections of the gym that are outside. That's great. 

Get outside AND get your training done. If you need to kill both birds with one stone, then train outside. 


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