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Train to Become an Athletic Force to be Reckoned with: Get Big, Get Strong, and Move Well

I like moving well.

I like to train for bigger muscles.

I like the feeling of overcoming gravity and becoming stronger.

Today, there's a big disconnect in the fitness industry. 

Everyone seems to think they have to "pick a side."

Hypertrophy? You need machines, bro.

Strength? You need to do heavy compound barbell lifts, bro.

Movement? You gotta do flow and meditate, bro.

Umm....negative, ghost riders.

You CAN do it all at once without needing different equipment for different goals. 

I train in a way that helps me move well AND become more muscular and stronger.

For me, that's unilateral lower body exercises (which help fix my chronic hip injuries while improving my mobility, stability, strength, AND hypertrophy), ballistic kettlebell exercises (fun, athletic, and help me move well), basic push, pull, and isolation kettlebell, dumbbell, and bodyweight exercises for upper body and some cables and machines for arm and hamstring isolation exercises.

I also like the freedom that these exercises and equipment allow me to train with — meaning I don't need to rely on a gym membership or any specific equipment. If you know how to move and move well, and if you know how to create tension in the muscles, you can train anywhere with any or no equipment at all and still stimulate a hypertrophic response.

Ignore dogma and unnecessary divisiveness. Use what equipment you have available and the equipment that makes your training fun. Use the equipment in a way that allows you to achieve your goals. 

Anything will work if you do the work... appropriately for your goals.

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