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Training Environment Matters

I'm a big home gym fan. But I train just fine in public gyms around other people.

For me, the home gym provides the best environment to get great training sessions. Some of this probably has to do with the fact that I've always enjoyed training in solitude. 

Here are a few other perks of training at home:

• It's time efficient

• It's sustainable

• It's convenient.

Having a gym at my house also satisfies the masculine urge of...well...having a gym in my house. 

The home gym life ain't for everyone, though.

If you need to get away from your home to find that appropriate mindset to train effectively, and you enjoy going to a traditional gym – then get to a traditional gym and support a local business.  

Just like you must find the right exercises for you, you must find the ideal training environment for yourself.

Maybe that's a commercial gym. 

Maybe that's a CrossFit box.

Maybe that's the local YMCA.

Maybe that's a powerlifting gym.

Maybe that's Lifetime Fitness or Equinox or one of those other uber-wellness spas. 

Maybe that's the local park or your backyard.

Maybe that's your bedroom or your living room.

Maybe that's a dungeon basement gym or your garage.

I'm sure you get the point by now.

Find the environment that satisfies you, motivates you, and encourages you to remain consistent!

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